Dissimilatory processes in the methylotrophic network

Range Table - link
Organism Methylobacterium extorquens
Reference Peyraud R, Schneider K, Kiefer P, Massou S, Vorholt JA, Portais JC. Genome-scale reconstruction and system level investigation of the metabolic network of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1. BMC Syst Biol. 2011 Nov 10 5: 189. doi: 10.1186/1752-0509-5-189 p.8 table 3PubMed ID22074569
Method P.3 left column bottom paragraph: "The genome-scale (GS) metabolic network of M. extorquens AM1 was reconstructed according to previously established guidelines [ref 21]. The details of the process are given in material and methods and are schematically shown in Additional file 1 link . Briefly, the GS metabolic network was obtained by integrating relevant information collected from i) genome annotation [ref 20], ii) published physiological, genetic and biochemical studies in M. extorquens AM1 and closely related organisms iii) biochemical information contained in databases [refs 22, 23, 24], vi) complementary investigations (biomass quantification), and intensive refinement (Additional file 2, 3). The chemical composition of M. extorquens AM1 cell was determined experimentally or taken from available literature (Table 1 and Additional file 4) and used to define the biosynthetic needs and corresponding pathways."
Comments P.8 left column top paragraph: "In case cytochrome C and NADH are reoxidized by the most effective oxidative phosphorylation mechanisms, a maximal yield of 5 ATP/methanol is predicted (Table 3). The additional potential routes for methanol dissimilation within the methylotrophic network could be detailed from the in silico investigations (Table 3)...Nevertheless, the in silico analysis shows that the methylotrophic network contains the potential for these indirect dissimilation routes. They are however not efficient for energy conservation (Table 3) and are unlikely to operate upon methylotrophy from the energetic point of view." P.15 left column bottom paragraph: "Because the respiratory mechanisms by which the reduced cofactors (NADH, cytochrome C) generated in the C1 pathways are not clearly established in M. extorquens the ATP cannot be firmly established from the flux data. Nevertheless, the simulations showed that, if dissimilation proceeds via the cytoplasmic, NADH-dependent route at maximal ATP efficiency (Table 3), then the total production of ATP (44 mmol/g/h) would be in large excess compared to the requirements (29.3 mmol/g/h)." EFM=Elementary Flux Mode. MeOH=methyl alcohol. NADH=Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (reduced). NADPH=Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.
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ID 114582