Ratio between energy demands per unit weight of brain and that of muscle

Range ~16 times higher in brain
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Leonard WR, Robertson ML, Snodgrass JJ, Kuzawa CW. Metabolic correlates of hominid brain evolution. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2003 Sep136(1):5-15 p.5 left columnPubMed ID14527625
Primary Source S.S Kety The general metabolism of the brain in vivo D Richter (Ed.), Metabolism of the Central Nervous System, Pergammon, New York (1957), pp. 221-237 AND M.A Holliday Body composition and energy needs during growth F Falkner, J.M Tanner (Eds.) (2nd ed), Human Growth: A Comprehensive Treatise, 2, Plenum Press, New York (1986), pp. 101-117
Comments P.5 left column: "From the perspective of comparative physiology and nutrition, what is extraordinary about the large brains of humans is their high metabolic cost. Brain tissue has very high energy demands per unit weight, roughly 16 times greater than those of muscle tissue (primary sources). Yet, despite the fact that humans have much larger brains per body weight than other terrestrial mammals, the total (resting) energy demands for the human body are no more than for any other mammal of the same size (Leonard and Robertson, 1992, 1994)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 113753