Stool weight and transit time in 220 healthy adults in the United Kingdom

Range Table - link
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Cummings JH, Bingham SA, Heaton KW, Eastwood MA. Fecal weight, colon cancer risk, and dietary intake of nonstarch polysaccharides (dietary fiber) Gastroenterology. 1992 Dec103(6):1783-9. p.1784 table 1PubMed ID1333426
Method P.1783 right column 2rd paragraph:"[Investigators] therefore obtained bowel habit data for normal individuals in the United Kingdom and present a population average for stool weight and transit time. These data, together with all reliable information that could be found on stool weight in other countries, have been compared with bowel cancer risk. Finally, a quantitative estimate of change in stool weight caused by fiber intake is made and discussed in the context of reducing bowel disease risk."
Comments P.1784 left column bottom paragraph to right column top paragraph:"Individual information on bowel habits was available for 220 persons. Age and sex are known for 190 subjects. 106 were male and 84 were female, with an overall mean age of 39.5 years (range, 18-80 years). The distribution was 40% aged 18-25, 25% aged 26-45, 15% aged 46-65, and 20% aged >65 years. Table 1 shows data for stool weight and transit time, and Figure 1 gives the distribution of stool weights and transit times for both sexes. The data for both men and women are positively skewed. Men had a significantly greater median daily stool weight than women (104 vs. 99 g P = 0.02)." P.1785 right column bottom paragraph:"Similarly, for the U.K. data there may be some bias because of the difficulty of collecting stools from a random sample of the population. However, approximately equal numbers of men and women are included, as are representatives of all age ranges. The reliability of these data is supported by the close concordance between the observed median value for stool weight in the United Kingdom of 106 g/day based on 220 carefully performed stool collections (Table 1) and the predicted stool weight of 104 g/day at the U.K. average NSP [nonstarch polysaccharides] intake of 12.5 g/day, this prediction coming from a completely different series of studies (Figure 3)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 112359