Composition of biomass during cultivations of Kluyveromyces marxianus ATCC 26548 & budding yeast

Range Table - link % (w/w)
Organism Yeast
Reference Fonseca G. G., Gombert A. K., Heinzle E., Wittmann C. Physiology of the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus during batch and chemostat cultures with glucose as the sole carbon source. FEMS Yeast Research, 7: 422–435, 2007 p.429 table 4PubMed ID17233766
Primary Source See refs beneath table
Method p.423 right column 2nd paragraph:"With the aim of increasing [investigators'] knowledge on the macroscopic physiology of K. marxianus, [they] performed batch and continuous bioreactor cultivations of this yeast under welldefined conditions, and carried out measurements which allowed [them] quantitatively to describe growth, substrate consumption, metabolite formation, biomass composition and respiratory parameters, when glucose is used as the sole carbon source."
Comments p.427 left column 2nd paragraph:"The biomass composition of K. marxianus was evaluated for protein, carbohydrate, lipid, RNA, DNA and ash as percentage of dry weight for the batch and continuous cultures, as summarized in Table 4. A considerable increase in protein content was observed with increasing growth rate. The carbohydrate content was inversely related to the protein content. The lipid content was generally constant among the experimental conditions, except for the cultivation at 0.1 h-1 and 2.5 v.v.m., in which it was higher. The RNA content increased with the specific growth rate. The DNA content was very low at all cultivation conditions investigated. The ash content also remained fairly constant, but perhaps with a slight tendency to increase with the specific growth rate (Table 4)." See notes beneath table
Entered by Uri M
ID 111639