Total number of connections osteocytes have with each other and with bone surface cells within the average adult human skeleton

Range ~2.3E+13 Table - link osteocyte connections
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Buenzli PR, Sims NA. Quantifying the osteocyte network in the human skeleton. Bone. 2015 Jun75: 144-50. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2015.02.016. abstract & p.146 table 3PubMed ID25708054
Primary Source See refs beneath table
Method Abstract:"[Investigators] have used data from recent papers obtained by new imaging techniques, in order to estimate absolute and relative quantities of the human osteocyte network and form a more complete understanding of the extent and nature of this network."
Comments Abstract:"[Investigators] estimate that the total number of osteocytes within the average adult human skeleton is ~42 billion and that the total number of osteocyte dendritic projections from these cells is ~3.7 trillion. Based on prior measurements of canalicular density and a mathematical model of osteocyte dendritic process branching, [investigators] calculate that these cells form a total of 23 trillion connections with each other and with bone surface cells."
Entered by Uri M
ID 111549