Platelet lifespan

Range 5 - 10 days
Organism Mammals
Reference Najean Y, Ardaillou N, Dresch C. Platelet lifespan. Annu Rev Med. 1969 20: 47-62. p.47 2nd paragraphPubMed ID4894508
Method "Nonisotopic methods gave the first estimates of platelet lifespan (refs 1-3): the rate of disappearance of platelets after megacaryocytic aplasia produced by X ray or chemotherapy (experimental in animal, accidental in man) the rate at which platelets were replaced after their depletion by plasmapheresis or drugs- the number of circulating platelets after injection of platelets in thrombopenic or aplastic subjects and survival of morphologically abnormal platelets in normal subjects. Although imprecise, all these techniques gave an estimate of platelet lifespan between 5 to 10 days."
Entered by Uri M
ID 111407