Cell production rates (doubling times) for epidermal cells in the basal 1.5 mm of tall fescue leaves and tillers

Range Table - link hours
Organism Plant tall fescue Festuca arundinacea
Reference Skinner RH, Nelson CJ. Epidermal cell division and the coordination of leaf and tiller development. Ann Bot. 1994 Jul74(1):9-16. doi: 10.1093/aob/74.1.9. p.12 table 1PubMed ID19700457
Comments "Cell division rates (doubling times) were estimated by regressing number of cells per epidermal file against Haun Index then converting to time (1d = 0.162 Haun Index units). Differences in doubling time during primordium formation, at the initiation of leaf elongation, and during leaf sheath formation were non-significant (Table 1)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 110351