Average net conversion rates (qi), expressed per Cmol of biomass (X), and carbon and redox recoveries of the steady-state aerobic glucose-limited chemostat cultivations

Range Table - link
Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Taymaz-Nikerel H, de Mey M, Ras C, ten Pierick A, Seifar RM, van Dam JC, Heijnen JJ, van Gulik WM. Development and application of a differential method for reliable metabolome analysis in Escherichia coli. Anal Biochem. 2009 Mar 1 386(1):9-19. doi: 10.1016/j.ab.2008.11.018. p.13 table 2PubMed ID19084496
Method "For all chemostat cultivations, measurements of residual glucose, biomass concentration, oxygen, and carbon dioxide concentrations in the off-gas and medium inflow and culture outflow rates were performed during steady-state growth. In addition, the concentration of TOC (total amount of organic carbon) in the culture filtrate was measured to verify whether significant amounts of by-products were formed. From these measurements, the biomass-specific rates of glucose consumption, biomass growth, oxygen consumption, and carbon dioxide production were calculated (see Table 2)."
Comments Table heading="Average net conversion rates (qi), expressed per Cmol of biomass (X), and carbon and redox recoveries of the steady-state aerobic glucose-limited chemostat cultivations of E. coli carried out at a dilution rate D=0.1h^-1 in two different chemostat systems."
Entered by Uri M
ID 109827