Actin concentration

Range Total actin 250: polymeric actin ~70 μM
Organism Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum
Reference D.N. Robinson, Y.-S. Kee, T. Luo and A. Surcel, Understanding How Dividing Cells Change Shape. In: Edward H. Egelman, editor: Comprehensive Biophysics, Vol 7, Cell Biophysics, Denis Wirtz. Oxford: Academic Press, 2012. pp. 48-72. p.52 right column bottom paragraph
Primary Source Clarke, M. Spudich, J. A. Biochemical and structural studies of actomyosinlike proteins from non-muscle cells. J. Mol. Biol. 1974, 86, 209–222. AND Clarke, M. Spudich, J. A. Nonmuscle contractile proteins: The role of actin and myosin in cell motility and shape determination. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1977, 46, 797–822. AND Haugwitz, M. Noegel, A. A. Karakesisoglou, J. Schleicher, M. Dictyostelium amoebae that lack G-actin-sequestering profilins show defects in F-actin content, cytokinesis, and development. Cell 1994, 79, 303–314.PubMed ID4278009, 143236, 7954798
Comments "For a Dictyostelium cell, total actin is 250µM and polymeric actin is ~70µM (primary sources), implying that most of the actin is sequestered in order to maintain an available pool of actin monomers."
Entered by Uri M
ID 109565