Size (may be larger than)

Range 600 X 80 μm
Organism Bacteria Epulopiscium fishelsoni
Reference Koch AL. What size should a bacterium be? A question of scale. Annu Rev Microbiol. 1996 50: 317-48. p.343 top paragraphPubMed ID8905083
Comments "Large microorganisms have been observed in the gut of marine fish. The most noteworthy case is Epulopiscium fishelsoni inhabiting the intestinal tract of the herbivorous Acanthurus nigrofuscus, a surgeonfish found in the Red Sea...Individual organisms can be larger than 600µm by 80µm." Please see Young 2006 PMID 16959965 p.666 right column bottom paragraph: "At the other end of the spectrum is the giant endosymbiont Epulopiscium fishelsoni, averaging ∼40 μm in width and ∼250 μm in length but reaching 80 μm in diameter and up to 600 μm in length (ref 8)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 109503