Elongation rate constant of ATP-ParM filaments

Value 5.3 μM^-1хsec^-1 Range: ±1.3 μM^-1хsec^-1
Organism prokaryote
Reference Garner EC, Campbell CS, Mullins RD. Dynamic instability in a DNA-segregating prokaryotic actin homolog. Science. 2004 Nov 5 306(5698):1021-5. p.1021 right column top paragraphPubMed ID15528442
Method "[Researchers] examined the polymerization dynamics of individual ParM filaments by total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy of Alexa 488–labeled ParM."
Comments "ATP-ParM filaments elongated with a rate constant of 5.3±1.3 µM^-1?sec^-1 (n=50) at each end, similar to that of the fast-growing barbed end of actin filaments."
Entered by Uri M
ID 109272