Percentage of carbon being stored as oil as a result of the conversion of sugars into triacylglycerols

Range >60 %
Organism Plant rapeseed Brassica napus
Reference Schwender J, Goffman F, Ohlrogge JB, Shachar-Hill Y. Rubisco without the Calvin cycle improves the carbon efficiency of developing green seeds. Nature. 2004 Dec 9 432(7018):779-82. p.779 right column 2nd paragraphPubMed ID15592419
Primary Source Schwender J, Ohlrogge J, Shachar-Hill Y. Understanding flux in plant metabolic networks. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2004 Jun7(3):309-17.PubMed ID15134752
Comments "During embryogenesis, seeds receive carbon precursors from the mother plant for the synthesis of storage products. In oilseeds such as B. napus, the dominant metabolic flux is the conversion of sugars into triacylglycerols (primary source), resulting in more than 60% of the carbon being stored as oil (about 45% of dry weight)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 108776