Transcription elongation rate at 37˚C

Value 42 nts/sec Range: Table - link nts/sec
Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Proshkin S, Rahmouni AR, Mironov A, Nudler E. Cooperation between translating ribosomes and RNA polymerase in transcription elongation. Science. 2010 Apr 23 328(5977):504-8. p.505 table 1PubMed ID20413502
Method "To calculate the elongation rate, the Escherichia coli culture was induced with IPTG, and the time that elapsed between the appearance of a specific hybridization signal from probes complementary to the 5' and 3' segments of the lacZ transcript was determined by dotblot hybridization (Fig. 1 and fig. S1) (5, 6)." See note above table
Comments "In the absence of Cm (chloramphenicol), the transcription elongation rate was determined to be 42 nucleotides (nt) per second under specified growth conditions, matching a translation elongation rate of 14 amino acids per second (Table 1 and fig. S2)." Strain MG1655
Entered by Uri M
ID 108488