Cell length

Range In bdelloplast 0.87: before infection 1.66 μm
Organism Bacteria Bdellovibrio bacteriovourus
Reference Fenton AK, Kanna M, Woods RD, Aizawa SI, Sockett RE. Shadowing the actions of a predator: backlit fluorescent microscopy reveals synchronous nonbinary septation of predatory Bdellovibrio inside prey and exit through discrete bdelloplast pores. J Bacteriol. 2010 Dec192(24):6329-35 p.6329 left column top paragraphPubMed ID20935099
Method Electron microscopy
Comments The single invaded bacterium (in this study E. coli) is called a bdelloplast. Newly formed Bdellovibrio progeny, having escaped the confines of the bdelloplast, go through a further phase where the cell length increases yet the cell width remains similar. This is observed as a near doubling in average progeny cell length, from 0.87µm±0.12µm (n=89) within the bdelloplast to 1.66µm±0.24µm (n=100) after bdelloplast escape, measured by electron microscopy (Fig. 4).
Entered by Uri M
ID 108189