Fraction of all genes that undergo alternative splicing in mouse and human

Value 50 %
Organism Mammals
Reference Iida K, Go M. Survey of conserved alternative splicing events of mRNAs encoding SR proteins in land plants. Mol Biol Evol. 2006 May23(5):1085-94 p.1085 left column top paragraphPubMed ID16520337
Primary Source Kan Z, States D, Gish W. Selecting for functional alternative splices in ESTs. Genome Res. 2002 Dec12(12):1837-45. AND Carninci P et al., The transcriptional landscape of the mammalian genome. Science. 2005 Sep 2 309(5740):1559-63.PubMed ID12466287, 16141072
Method (1st primary source abstract:)Using genomically aligned ESTs, a computational tool (TAP) was used to identify alternative splice patterns for 6400 known human genes from the RefSeq database. (2nd primary source, abstract:) Comprehensive polling of transcription start and termination sites and analysis of previously unidentified full-length complementary DNAs derived from the mouse genome
Comments See BNID 106743. For >74% of human genes that go AS, see Yura et al., 2006 PMID 16872759 p.64 left column 2nd paragraph. For ~60% of human genes that are alternatively spliced see Lewin 2008, Genes IX p.83 left column "key concepts" text box
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ID 106744