Organelle transport in wild-type and unc-104 mutant larval motor axons

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Organism Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
Reference Barkus RV, Klyachko O, Horiuchi D, Dickson BJ, Saxton WM. Identification of an axonal kinesin-3 motor for fast anterograde vesicle transport that facilitates retrograde transport of neuropeptides. Mol Biol Cell. 2008 Jan19(1):274-83 p.276 table 1PubMed ID17989365
Method To better assess Unc-104 influences on general transport behaviors, flux and net transport rates of GFP-tagged DCVs, mitochondria, and STVs were quantified in wild-type and mutant motor axons. Organelle-targeted GFPs were imaged in motor axons of third instar segmental nerves by time-lapse fluorescence microscopy
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Entered by Uri M
ID 106475