Half life of Rab9 protein in HeLa cell

Value 32 hours
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Ganley IG, Carroll K, Bittova L, Pfeffer S. Rab9 GTPase regulates late endosome size and requires effector interaction for its stability. Mol Biol Cell. 2004 Dec15(12):5420-30.PubMed ID15456905
Method Antibodies and Recombinant Proteins, Cell Culture of HeLa cells, Immunoblot Analysis, Immunofluorescence Microscopy, Antibody Internalization Assay, Whole-Mount Electron Microscopy, Immunoelectron Microscopy, Metabolic Labeling and Immunoprecipitation, Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Down-Regulation, TIP47/Rab9 Binding Studies, Crude Membrane Fractionation. To explore the importance of Rab9 for microdomain establishment, researchers depleted the protein from cultured cells. Rab9 depletion decreased late endosome size and reduced the numbers of multilamellar and dense-tubule–containing late endosomes/lysosomes, but not multivesicular endosomes.
Comments The Rab family of proteins is a member of the Ras superfamily of monomeric G proteins. See BNID 104380,104386
Entered by Uri M
ID 104381