External concentration of alpha mating factor required for half maximal cell division arrest

Value 0.25 nM
Organism Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Reference Moore SA. Comparison of dose-response curves for alpha factor-induced cell division arrest, agglutination, and projection formation of yeast cells. Implication for the mechanism of alpha factor action. J Biol Chem. 1983 Nov 25 258(22):13849-56. p.13852 right column 4th paragraph and p.13851 table 1PubMed ID6358212
Method yeast MATa cells respond to alpha pheromone by undergoing several inducible responses: the arrest of cell division, the production of a cell surface agglutinin, and the formation of one or more projections on the cell surface commonly termed the "shmoo" morphology. Dose-response curves were determined for each of these inducible responses as a function of alpha factor concentration. Two new cell division arrest assays were devised here and are the N4/NO and the %UBh assays.
Comments This dose is nearly the same as that at which cells exhibit a half-maximal response for agglutination induction (0.1nM, bion 103616)
Entered by Uri M
ID 103615