Binding energy difference of RNAP to lac promoter

Value -2.9 KB×T
Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Bintu L, Buchler NE, Garcia HG, Gerland U, Hwa T, Kondev J, Phillips R. Transcriptional regulation by the numbers: models. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2005 Apr15(2):116-24. Fig. 1PubMed ID15797194
Method the binding energy difference was calculated using the simple relation: Delta(epsilon)pd=kBT*ln(K(specific binding)/K(Non-Specific binding) where the equilibrium dissociation constants for specific binding K(Specific) and non-specific binding K(Non specific) are taken from in vitro measurements
Comments P.118 caption to fig.1c: "In particular, making the simplest assumption that the genomic background for RNAP is given only by the non-specific binding of RNAP with DNA, [investigators] take K[NS]pd=10 000 nM [ref 37], for the lac promoter K[S]pd=550 nM [BNID 103590] and for the T7 promoter, K[S]pd=3nM [BNID 103592]. For the lac promoter, this results in Δɛpd=-2.9kBT and for the T7 promoter, Δɛpd=-8.1kBT." KB=Boltzmann's constant T=temp. Kelvin. Mathematical model-making the simplest assumption that the genomic background for RNAP is given only by the non specific binding of RNAP with DNA, and taking experimental constants for specific and non specific binding (BNID 103590, 103591, 103592) this value is arrived at
Entered by Uri M
ID 103594