Dissociation constant for codon recognition step of tRNA selection for cognate tRNA

Value 0.23 sec^-1
Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Hani S. Zaher and Rachel Green, Fidelity at the Molecular Level: Lessons from Protein Synthesis. Cell Volume 136, Issue 4, 20 February 2009, Pages 746-762PubMed ID19239893
Primary Source K.B. Gromadski and M.V. Rodnina, Kinetic determinants of high-fidelity tRNA discrimination on the ribosome, Mol. Cell 13 (2004), pp. 191–200.t. Mol. Biol. 11 (2004), pp. 316–322.PubMed ID14759365
Method pre-steady-state kinetic experiments. Rate constants monitored by fluorescence changes in labeled tRNAs
Comments Constant is for coding recognition of (EF-Tu+ GTP+ aa-tRNA) ternary complex and A site of ribosome. This value (0.23 sec^-1) is 1000 Fold slower for cognate (with correct codons) tRNA than for non cognate (that carry one nucleotide mismatch codons) tRNA (80 sec^-1)
Entered by Uri M
ID 103474