Number of neurotransmitter transporters in typical synaptic vesicle

Range 9-14 copies/vesicle
Organism Rat Rattus norvegicus
Reference Takamori S et al., Molecular anatomy of a trafficking organelle. Cell. 2006 Nov 17 127(4):831-46. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2006.10.030 p.837 left columnPubMed ID17110340
Method P.836 right column bottom paragraph: "To construct a molecular model of a prototypic SV, [investigators] first calculated the average copy number per vesicle of the proteins quantified above (see Figure 1) based on the known molecular mass, Avogadro's number, and the average protein content per vesicle (Table 2, see also Table S2)."
Comments P.837 left column: "According to these data, a typical SV contains 70 synaptobrevins, 32 synaptophysins, between 9 and 14 neurotransmitter transporters, 10 Rab3As, 8 synapsins, and 15 synaptotagmin 1s."
Entered by Uri M
ID 102739