Change in free energy due to ATP hydrolysis in E. coli during exponential growth phase on glycerol

Value -47.7 kJ/mol Range: Table - link kJ/mol
Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Quang Hon Tran, Gottfried Unden. Changes in the proton potential and the cellular energetics of Escherichia coli during growth by aerobic and anaerobic respiration or by fermentation. European Journal of Biochemistry. 1998. 251(1-2) pp. 538-543 p.540 table 1PubMed ID9492330
Method P.540 heading of table 1: "Growth was performed in supplemented M9 medium with glycerol (20 mM for growth under oxic, 40 mM for growth under anoxic conditions) or glucose (20 mM) and the electron acceptors given (50 mM, except for O2). In the logarithmic growth phase, samples were drawn and the bacteria were assayed for ATP and ADP. Pi was taken as 20µmol/g dry cells for growth under oxic and anoxic conditions corresponding to 10 mM (Rao et al., 1993 : Shulman et al., 1979 Willsky and Malamy, 1976)." Calculated from the equation: ΔG (Phos)= ΔG (at standard conditions) + RT ln([ATP]/[ADP][Pi]), where R is the gas constant, T = temperature, and 30.5 kJ/mol was used for ΔG at standard conditions.
Comments This is equivalent to ~20kBT. The number has been converted from positive to negative so that it describes the Gibbs free energy of hydrolysis as opposed to the phosphorylation potential. The E. coli was growing in the presence of oxygen. See reference for more details.
Entered by Phil Mongiovi
ID 101701