Genome of an endosymbiont bacteria

Value 159662 bp
Organism Carsonella ruddii
Reference Atsushi Nakabachi et al., The 160-Kilobase Genome of the Bacterial Endosymbiont Carsonella, Science. 2006 Oct 13 314(5797):267 abstractPubMed ID17038615
Method "The nucleotide sequence of the Carsonella genome was determined by a whole-genome shotgun strategy."
Comments "[Researchers] report the complete genome sequence of the psyllid symbiont Carsonella ruddii, which consists of a circular chromosome of 159,662 base pairs, averaging 16.5% GC content." "This genome is by far the most streamlined studied to date. Its gene inventory seems insufficient for most biological processes that appear to be essential for bacterial life, and possibly the host bacteriocyte compensates." "The genome size, which was further confirmed by long-range electrophoresis, is only about one-third that of the archaeal parasite Nanoarchaeum equitans (having the smallest fully sequenced genome to date, at 491 kb) (3) and that of an unsequenced Buchnera strain (having the smallest known bacterial genome, at about 450 kb) (4). The genome has only 182 open reading frames (ORFs) (fig. S1A), which were classified into the clusters of orthologous groups (COGs)." "Of 182 ORFs, 164 (90%) overlap with at least one of the two adjacent ORFs, and the average length of all 132 overlaps is 10.7 bases." See BNID 108693
Entered by Ron Milo - Admin
ID 100622