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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) model Prochlorococcus Table - link N/A 111981 Hopkinson BM, Young JN...
Typical stromal HCO3– concentration apparently required for CCM (CO2 concentrating mechanism) function Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 2 – 3 mM 114619 Wang Y, Stessman DJ,...
Number of ATP required for each CO2 molecule assimilated in CCM Cyanobacteria 1-2 molecules 102630 Fridlyand L, Kaplan A...
Number of quanta expended for assimilation of each CO2 molecule in CCM Green algae 3-4 Unitless 102631 Fridlyand L, Kaplan A...
Ratio between CO2 concentration in cell and CO2 external abundance due to CCM Cyanobacteria 1000 Fold 106094 Peña KL, Castel SE, de...
Time for full photosynthetic acclimation of the CCM [Carbon concentrating mechanism] to low CO2 conditions Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 2 hours - 5 hours 116801 Peter Vance and Martin...
Internal HCO3– concentration characteristic of the typical cyanobacterial system Cyanobacteria 20 – 40 mM 114620 Wang Y, Stessman DJ,...
Diagram of the chloroplast pump model with representative Ci (inorganic carbon) concentrations Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Table - link N/A 116865 Hopkinson, B.M., 2014....
Accumulation of inorganic carbon (Ci) within cell that enables high rates of photosynthesis (even) at low extracellular Ci concentrations Microalgae 2 to 6 fold that of extracellular concentrations 116864 Hopkinson, B.M., 2014....
Reconstructed sugar utilization pathways and newly assigned genes in Shewanella spp. Bacteria Shewanella spp. Table - link N/A 107281 Rodionov DA et al., Genomic...
Apparent Km for CO2 conversion by rubisco Cyanobacteria 250 µM 102629 Fridlyand L, Kaplan A...
Maximum rate of CO2 fixation per cell Cyanobacteria Anabaena 8E-12 µmol/sec 102628 Fridlyand L, Kaplan A...
Carbon dioxide concentration in most natural aquatic environments Biosphere <15 μM 109895 Price GD, Badger MR,...
Ratio between permeability of (uncharged) CO2 and HCO3- to lipid membranes Unspecified ~1,000 Fold 109898 Price GD, Badger MR,...
CO2 and HCO3- transport in cytoplasm and chloroplast Diatoms Table - link N/A 116875 Hopkinson BM, Dupont CL...
Kinetic parameters of enzymes in central carbon metabolism Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 109681 Peskov K, Mogilevskaya E...
Carboxysome diameter Cyanobacteria 90 – 250 nm 109899 Price GD, Badger MR,...
Contribution of Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus genera to primary production in oligotrophic oceans located between 40°N and 40°S Cyanobacteria 30 – 80 % 109896 Price GD, Badger MR,...
Peak internal Ci (inorganic carbon) pools Cyanobacteria 20 – 40 mM 109897 Price GD, Badger MR,...
Number of carboxysomes in cell under log cell growth Cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 3.7 (±1.2) Carboxysomes/cell 105890 Savage DF, Afonso B, Chen AH...