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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Volume of Nucleus in lens tissue Notophthalmus viridescens 4174 µm^3 101379 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Volume of Nuclei in embryo tissue Chicken Gallus gallus 210 um^3 101399 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Volume of Nuclei in embryo tissue Frog Rana pipiens 627 µm^3 101410 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Volume of Nuclei in heart tissue Triturus cristatus 1748 µm^3 101411 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Volume of Nuclei in ovary tissue Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) 188 µm^3 101400 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Volume of Nuclei in kidney tissue African Green monkey (CVI) 421 µm^3 101401 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Volume of Nuclei in lung tissue Human Homo sapiens 170 um^3 101403 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Volume of Nuclei in lung tissue Canyon mouse Peronyscus crinitus 153 µm^3 101406 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Volume of Nuclei in heart tissue Scaphiopus holbrooki 197 um^3 101407 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Volume of Nucleus in heart tissue African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 307 µm^3 101408 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Volume of nuclei in kidney tissue African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 294 µm^3 101409 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Kcat of Phosphofructokinase in muscle tissue Rabbit 61200 1/min 100999 Albe KR, Butler MH, Wright...
Persistence within mamallian tissue culture cell Mycoplasma penetrans 48-96 hours 105744 Rottem S. Interaction...
PPi pool in plant tissue cytoplasm Plants 0.04 to 0.8 mM 108168 Shi-Jean S. Sung, Dian-Peng...
Total ATP use for brain tissue Human Homo sapiens 80 µmol/liter/sec 110641 Bernstein BW, Bamburg...
Energy stored per gram of adipose tissue Human Homo sapiens ≈33.5 kJ/gram adipose tissue 110216 Flatt JP. Use and storage...
Lower limit of propulsive forces required for nuclear organelles to undergo processive transport in intranuclear region of mouse embryonic tissue cell Mammalian tissue culture cell 3-15 picoNewton 104281 Tseng Y, Lee JS, Kole TP...
Pindolol binding to beta adrenoreceptor in ventricular heart tissue Rat Rattus norvegicus 19.8 (±0.5) femtomol/mg protein 103621 Lu XY, Barnett DB. D...
Density and mass of each organ/tissue Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110245 International commission...
Contents of adenine nucleotides in liver tissue Rat Rattus norvegicus Table - link N/A 111356 Soboll S, Scholz R, Heldt...