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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Thickness of outer membrane Bacteria Caulobacter crescentus 4.5 nm 104912 Gan L, Chen S, Jensen...
Thickness of periplasmic space bacteria 22 Bacillus subtilis: 16 Staphylococcus aureus nm 106722 Reith J, Mayer C. Pe...
Thickness of murein in Gram positive bacteria bacteria 20 to 80 nm 106723 Reith J, Mayer C. Pe...
Size of protein that can diffuse freely through an unstretched cell wall layer (murein) of Gram positive bacteria bacteria 25 kDa 106724 Reith J, Mayer C. Pe...
Width of microfibrils Onion Allium cepa 8 to 15 nm 106009 M. C. McCann, B. Wells...
Distance between outer and inner membrane (membranes included) Bacteria Caulobacter crescentus 40.5 nm 104910 Gan L, Chen S, Jensen...
Ratio between amount of vancomycin neutralized in cell wall by parental strain and resistant mutant Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus 2.13 unitless 102448 Sieradzki K, Tomasz A....
Difference between methicllin susceptible and methicillin resistant mortality rates in humans Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus 22.1 % 102450 Blot SI, Vandewoude KH...
Fraction of cell wall-derived peptides that are released to the medium out of total cell wall material per generation Bacteria Escherichia coli 6 to 8 % 106719 Goodell EW, Schwarz U....
Experimentally calculated values for the different layers of the cellular envelope Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link nm 114050 Gameiro D et al., Co...
Numbers of PBPs (penicillin-binding proteins) in MSSA (methicillin-sensitive S. aureus) and MRSA (methicillin-resistant S. aureus) strains Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus 148-824 PBPS/cell Table - link N/A 113013 Pucci MJ, Dougherty TJ....
Number of murein molecules/cell (conditions of growth unknown) Bacteria Escherichia coli 7e+5 Copies/cell 100069 James T Park, The murein...
Young's moduli of biological materials Generic Table - link N/A 101500 Jonathon Howard, Mechanics...
Rate of recycling of murein per generation Bacteria Escherichia coli 45 % 106720 Goodell EW. Recycling...
Number of PBP2 proteins from cells grown in LB medium Bacteria Escherichia coli 120 (±14) molecules 107920 Dougherty TJ, Kennedy K...
Number of PBP1b proteins from cells grown in LB medium Bacteria Escherichia coli 127 (±13) molecules 107921 Dougherty TJ, Kennedy K...
Number of PBP1a proteins from cells grown in LB medium Bacteria Escherichia coli 221 (±20) molecules 107922 Dougherty TJ, Kennedy K...
Number of 23S rRNA/cell Bacteria Escherichia coli 18700 Unitless 102991 Neidhardt F.C. Escherichia...
Number of 16S rRNA/cell Bacteria Escherichia coli 18700 Unitless 102992 Neidhardt F.C. Escherichia...
Number of spermidine/cell Bacteria Escherichia coli 1.1e+6 Unitless 103000 Neidhardt F.C. Escherichia...