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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Gibbs free energy change in for the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + Pi in the cytoplasm Unspecified -57 KJ/mol 100775 Bioenergetics 3, Nicholls...
Gibbs free energy change in for the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + Pi in the matrix Unspecified -46 KJ/mol 100776 Bioenergetics 3, Nicholls...
Gibbs free energy change for the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + Pi under standard conditions Unspecified -28 KJ/mol 100777 Bioenergetics 3, Nicholls...
Affinity of tetR for anhydrotetracycline-Mg+ Unspecified 98 picomolar 113019 Scholz, O., Schubert...
Standard Gibbs free energy of ATP hydrolysis at pH=7 Generic -28.0 to -33.5 Table - link kJ/mol 101989 Rosing, J., and Slater...
Cellular concentrations of the common biological cations in approximate volume of e.coli cell Generic Table - link N/A 105926 Maguire ME, Cowan JA....
Decrease in velocity of the reaction when isocitrate replaces homoisocitrate as substrate Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 216 Fold 102568 Lin Y, Alguindigue SS...
Estimated free magnesium concentration in cytosol Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 0.1 to 1.0 mM 107760 van Eunen K et al., Measuring...
[Ca2+] concentration in plasma Mammals total ~2.5mM: free ~1.3mM mM 110746 OS. Andersen, "Cellular...
Standard free energy (ΔG°') of hydrolysis of ATP to AMP and PPi Generic -10.9 kcal/mol 111336 Dickson KS, Burns CM...
Protonation constant for ADP Unspecified 6.27 (±0.05) see comments 101866 Smith, R. M., A. E. Martell...
Mean red blood cell density Human Homo sapiens 1.094 kg/L 101703 Raftos JE, Lew VL, Flatman...
Percentage of total ATP complexed to magnesium ion in aerobic state of cell Generic 84 (+/- 4) % 101887 Gupta, R. K., J. L. Benovic...
Percentage of total ATP complexed to magnesium ion in anaerobic state of cell Generic 78 (±4) % 101888 Gupta, R. K., J. L. Benovic...
Dissociation constant of the Mg-homoisocitrate complex (MgHIc) Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 11 (±2) mM 102567 Lin Y, Alguindigue SS...
Substrate specificity of purified pyrophosphatase at pH=8 Plant Sorghum vulgare Table - link μmol PPi hydrolyzed/min 106658 Krishnan VA, Gnanam A....
Diffusion coefficient of tRNA before and after aminoacylation Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 68.4±1 before: 58±2 after aminoacylation μm^2/sec 107935 Potts RO, Ford NC Jr...
Ion-binding ratio, kS (measure of buffering capacity) Unspecified kS[Ca2+]≈100: kS[Mg2+]≈20 unitless 110753 OS. Andersen, "Cellular...
Binding constant of riboswitch to guanine and to hypoxanthine Bacteria Bacillus subtilis guanine 5: hypoxanthine 50 nM 110868 Batey RT, Gilbert SD...
Free cytosolic calcium concentration Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 0.05 and 0.5 μM 107761 van Eunen K et al., Measuring...