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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Affinity of Allolactose and LacI Bacteria Escherichia coli 6 (Table - link) μM 100743 Cost–benefit theory and...
Association constant of lac repressor to operator Bacteria Escherichia coli 7e+9 M^-1×Sec^-1 104607 Riggs AD, Bourgeois S...
Arrhenius activation energy for association reaction of lac repressor-operator [RO] complex Bacteria Escherichia coli ~8.5 kcal/mole 114353 Riggs AD, Bourgeois S...
Equilibrium association constant of lac repressor to operator and entropy change (ΔS) for the binding reaction Bacteria Escherichia coli 1e+13 M^-1 equilibrium constant: ΔS for binding reaction + 90cal/mole/deg N/A 114355 Riggs AD, Bourgeois S...
Duration for which tsr domain appears stationary Bacteria Escherichia coli 50 - 100 msec 112059 Ullman G, Wallden M,...
Generation time with and without amino acids in the medium Bacteria Escherichia coli with amino acids 26.4±7.2 without amino acids 46.8±17.0 min 112060 Ullman G, Wallden M,...
Number of Tsr–Venus molecules expressed from the lacY gene & number of expression events per cell cycle Bacteria Escherichia coli molecules per expression event 1.5±0.1 expression events per cell cycle 1.7±0.1 N/A 112061 Ullman G, Wallden M,...
Number of LacI–Venus molecules expressed and number of expression events per cell cycle Bacteria Escherichia coli molecules per expression event 2.2±0.05 expression events per cell cycle 2.5±0.04 N/A 112062 Ullman G, Wallden M,...
Affinity of Allolactose and LacZ Bacteria Escherichia coli 1.9 (Table - link) mM 100744 Cost–benefit theory and...
Velocity of pumping by LacY Bacteria Escherichia coli 3000 Molecules/minute 100748 Cost–benefit theory and...
Velocity of allolactose hydrolysis by LacZ Bacteria Escherichia coli 20000 (Table - link) Molecules/minute 100742 Kalisky T, Dekel E, Alon...
Composition and energy content of milk Mammals Table - link N/A 109498 Kleiber M. The fire of...
Doubling time at 30°C on complex medium (CM) with galactose Bacteria Lactococcus lactis 52 Minutes 105681 LeBlanc DJ, Crow VL, Lee LN...
Turnover rate of the glucose transporter ptsI (Subunit of enzyme II glc: PTS enzyme I) Bacteria Escherichia coli 95 ((≈210 molecules/sec)) µmol/min/mg 102931 BRENDA (BRaunschweig...
Halflife of lac repressor-operator [RO] complex Bacteria Escherichia coli 19 (±4) min 114338 Riggs AD, Bourgeois S...
Rate of transport of Glucose transporter in erythrocyte Mammals 300 (Table - link) sec^-1 103160 Gennis, R. B. Biomembranes:...
Volumes for milk secreted Human Homo sapiens 850 (500-1,000) ml/day 110333 Snyder WS, Cook MJ, Nasset ES...
Concentrations of Nitrogen and Proteins in Human Milk Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 102915 Bo Lonnerdal and Stephanie...
Burst size of Lac permease when the repressors completely dissociate from the Lac operon Bacteria Escherichia coli ~100 monomers/burst 111012 Teng SW. et al., Measurement...
Maximal amount of LacZ Bacteria Escherichia coli 50 (Table - link) µM 100735 Cost–benefit theory and...