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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Gibbs free energy difference for a reaction that is one order of magnitude away from equilibrium Generic 5.7 KJ/mol 100778 Bioenergetics 3, Nicholls...
Standard Gibbs free energy of reaction and standard error based on component contribution method Generic Table - link kJ/mol 112697 Park JO et al., Metabolite...
Gibbs free energy change for the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + Pi under standard conditions Unspecified -28 KJ/mol 100777 Bioenergetics 3, Nicholls...
Cost in Gibbs free energy of formation of a complex between protein and ligand Generic ~15 - 20 kJ/mol 111401 Klebe G. Applying th...
Free energy of formation of biomass Bacteria Escherichia coli -11±1 kcal/mol C 107166 Grosz R, Stephanopoulos...
Gibbs free energy change in for the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + Pi in the cytoplasm Unspecified -57 KJ/mol 100775 Bioenergetics 3, Nicholls...
Gibbs free energy change in for the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + Pi in the matrix Unspecified -46 KJ/mol 100776 Bioenergetics 3, Nicholls...
Gibbs free energies of formation from the elements for compounds of biological interest Generic Table - link N/A 104508 Thauer RK, Jungermann K...
Standard free energy (ΔG°') of hydrolysis of ATP to AMP and PPi Generic -10.9 kcal/mol 111336 Dickson KS, Burns CM...
Folding free energy of the average protein Various -7.1 E. coli: -8.8 S. cerevisiae: -8:2 C. elegans kcal/mol 107069 Ghosh K, Dill K. Cellular...
Gibbs energy change of denaturation at 25°C vertebrates Lysozyme 16: cytochrome c 8 kcal/mol 109551 Anjum F, Rishi V, Ahmad...
Free energy released when 2 molecules associate Generic 20 to 30 kcal/mole 109147 Chothia C, Janin J. ...
Estimated free energy change of selected cellular reactions Generic Table - link N/A 106296 Rolfe DF, Brown GC. Cellular...
Relationship between Keq and biochemical standard free energy change constants Table - link N/A 103810 David L. Nelson, Michael...
Gibbs free energy for redox transfer across the Inner Chloroplast Envelope Membrane Spinach Spinacia oleracea -13 kJ/mol 103335 Heineke D, Riens B, Grosse H...
Standard Gibbs free energies of ATP synthesis on lipid vesicles Spinach Spinacia oleracea for extra-vesicular pH=8.05 36±3: for extra-vesicular pH=8.45 37±2 kJ/mol 111503 Turina, Paola, Dietrich...
Change in free energy due to ATP hydrolysis in E. coli during exponential growth phase on glycerol Bacteria Escherichia coli -47.7 (Table - link) kJ/mol 101701 Quang Hon Tran, Gottfried...
Free energy change of various phosphate transfer reactions Generic Table - link kcal/mol 109508 Russell JB, Cook GM....
Difference in standard transformed reaction Gibbs energy between pH 5 and pH 9 Generic ≤95.87 for nontransport reactions: ≤95.00 for transport reactions kJ/mol 108095 H. S. Haraldsdottir,...
Average cumulative free energy change from phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) to pyruvate kinase (PYK) in glycolysis Unspecified -46 kJ/mol 112686 Park JO et al., Metabolite...