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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Time of pupariation (formation of a puparium) Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster ~96 hours after hatching of larva 112068 Wartlick O, Jülicher F...
Increase in posterior length from 60 hours after hatching to end of third instar Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster ≈3 µm/hour 112069 Wartlick O, Jülicher F...
Initiation of contraction in the embryonic chick heart Chicken Gallus gallus by 3rd day of development of egg days 113151 Bradley M. Patten & Theodore...
Cell growth rate and vacuole growth rate Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell growth rate 4.9±2.0 μm^3/min: vacuole growth rate 1.3±1.1 μm^2/min N/A 114013 Chan YH et al., Organelle...
Length of larva when it emerges from eggshell following embryogenesis Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans ~250 µm 114014 Uppaluri S, Weber SC...
Number of cells in adult human body (for value of 3e+13 see BNIDS 113005, 113006) Human Homo sapiens 1e+13 (check out BNID 109716 for more updated value of 3.7(±0.8)×10^13) cells 108493 Alberts et al., 1989...
Time of developmental stages AF (after fertilization) Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster first larval instar (24-49hrs AF) second instar (49-72hrs AF) early third instar (72-150hrs AF) hours after fertilization 112084 Matamoro-Vidal A, Sa...
Duration of embryonic myoblast fusions Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 5.5 hours 113609 Shinn-Thomas JH, Mohler...
Divergence time between C. elegans and other nematodes Nematode spp. C. briggsae and C. remanei 80 - 100: Pristionchus pacificus >200: Trichinella spiralis >600 Mya 113610 Shinn-Thomas JH, Mohler...
Bicoid (Bcd) protein translation rate in embryo Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster ≈2 proteins/mRNA/min 111203 Petkova MD, Little SC...
Gestation period in altricial rodents (such as rats) and precocial rodents (such as guinea pigs) Rodent rat ~21: guinea pig ~65 days 117228 Josselyn SA, Frankland...
Time of origin of the adaptive immune system (AIS, when it arose in jawed fish) Fish ~500 Mya 113204 Flajnik MF, Kasahara...
Fraction of RGCs (retinal ganglion cells) that projects to the ipsilateral hemisphere of the brain Mammals mice 3-5%: ferrets ~15%: human ≤~40% % 113595 Kutsarova E, Munz M,...
Main causes of disease burden in children from developing countries, 1990 Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 107510 Topley and Wilson's ...
Fraction of all neurons that are produced in embryonic NB (neuroblast) divisions Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster of larval central nervous system (CNS) 100%: of adult CNS 10% % of cells 117236 Homem CC, Knoblich JA....
Number of cell divisions before the mid-blastula transition African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 12 cell divisions 101950 Newport J, Kirschner...
Width of periventricular germinal matrix (GM) (in brain) in human fetuses Human Homo sapiens at 23–24 weeks 2.5mm: at 32 weeks 1.4mm: by approximately 36 weeks complete involution mm 117108 Ballabh P, Braun A, ...
Protostome/deuterostome divergence Metazoa animals ~1,000 million years ago 117100 Pinto MR, Melillo D,...
Duration of the cycle of growth of the human brain Human Homo sapiens first ~1.5 decades of life after conception 113146 Caviness VS Jr, Kennedy DN...
Shortening of egg incubation period when developmental temperature is increased from 28˚C to 32˚C Lizard Dipsosaurus dorsalis 27 days 113180 Farmer CG. Parental Care:...