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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Length of DNA section where nucleosome occurs Eukaryotes 157-240 bp 103084 Davey CA, Sargent DF...
Estimated lifetime of the open gate state of IL-4 in Th2 cells Mouse Mus musculus 2.9 days 110177 Mariani, L., Schulz, E. G....
Duration of average splicing event Various 30 sec 108453 Hnilicová J, Stanek D....
Number of cajal bodies in HeLa cell nucleus Human Homo sapiens 8 (±3) Unitless 104270 Görisch SM, Wachsmuth M...
Size of Cajal bodies in HeLa cell nucleus Human Homo sapiens 1 (±0.04) µm 104268 Görisch SM, Wachsmuth M...
Number of Promyelocytic leukemia (PML) bodies in HeLa cell nucleus Human Homo sapiens 14 (±2) Unitless 104269 Görisch SM, Wachsmuth M...
Number of NF-kB p65 transcription factor molecules per murine macrophage Mouse Mus musculus 250000 (Table - link) Molecules/cell 106901 Mark D. Biggin, Animal...
Number of C/EBPβ transcription factor molecules per cell Mouse Mus musculus 250,000 murine macrophage: 2,500,000 LPS stimulated macrophage Molecules/cell 106896 Mark D. Biggin, Animal...
Number of Ikaros transcription factor molecules per murine thymocyte Mouse Mus musculus 250000 (Table - link) Molecules/cell 106900 Mark D. Biggin, Animal...
Compaction of DNA as result of superhelix wrap around nucleosomes Eukaryotes 5-10 Fold 103086 Felsenfeld G, Groudine...
Speed of telomere motion Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae ~0.05 µm/sec 111507 Vermot J, Fraser SE,...
Size of Promyelocytic leukemia (PML) bodies in HeLa cell nucleus Human Homo sapiens 1.2 (±0.07) µm 104267 Görisch SM, Wachsmuth M...
Diffusion coefficient of transcription factors in the nucleus Eukaryotes 0.5-5 μm^2/sec 105295 Hager GL, McNally JG...
Energy stored in each DNA-histone contact Eukaryotes 1 kcal/mole 105961 Saha A, Wittmeyer J,...
Comparison of diffusion coefficients and spot displacements of DNA loci and the rate of cell elongation in different bacteria bacteria Table - link N/A 108950 Dame and Dorman, editors...
Diffusion coefficient of nanospheres in the nucleus of Swiss 3T3 fibroblast mouse embryonic cell Mammalian tissue culture cell 4e-4 µm^2/sec 104285 Görisch SM, Lichter P...
Diameter of Balbiani Ring (BR) messenger ribonucleoprotein particle (mRNP) Midge Chironomus tentans ~50 nm 111854 Veith R et al., Balbiani...
Comparison of growth rates and rRNA synthesis rates in two FOB1 deletion strains in YPD medium Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Table - link N/A 108303 French SL, Osheim YN...
Size of perinuclear compartments Generic 0.3-1 Table - link µm 104585 Spector DL. SnapShot:...
Number of perinuclear compartments Generic 1-4 Table - link Copies/cell 104584 Spector DL. SnapShot:...