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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of Immunoglobulin G molecules in 1 ml of serum Human Homo sapiens 4E+16 molecules/ml 110382 Gonzalez-Quintela A, Alende R...
Number of Immunoglobulin G molecules in 1 ml of serum Human Homo sapiens 4E+16 molecules/ml 110382 Gonzalez-Quintela A, Alende R...
Number of Immunoglobulin G molecules in 1 ml of serum Human Homo sapiens 4E+16 molecules/ml 110382 Gonzalez-Quintela A, Alende R...
Number of Immunoglobulin G molecules in 1 ml of serum Human Homo sapiens 4E+16 molecules/ml 110382 Gonzalez-Quintela A, Alende R...
Number of Immunoglobulin G molecules in 1 ml of serum Human Homo sapiens 4E+16 molecules/ml 110382 Gonzalez-Quintela A, Alende R...
Number of B cells in lymphocyte population Human Homo sapiens 1e+11 B-cells/single individual’s lymphocyte population 110381 Glanville J, Zhai W, Berka J...
Number of B cells in lymphocyte population Human Homo sapiens 1e+11 B-cells/single individual’s lymphocyte population 110381 Glanville J, Zhai W, Berka J...
Number of B cells in lymphocyte population Human Homo sapiens 1e+11 B-cells/single individual’s lymphocyte population 110381 Glanville J, Zhai W, Berka J...
Number of B cells in lymphocyte population Human Homo sapiens 1e+11 B-cells/single individual’s lymphocyte population 110381 Glanville J, Zhai W, Berka J...
Number of B cells in lymphocyte population Human Homo sapiens 1e+11 B-cells/single individual’s lymphocyte population 110381 Glanville J, Zhai W, Berka J...