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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Diameter of Human Pulmonary Artery Endothelial (HPAEC) cell Human Homo sapiens 13 μm 108897 http://www.invitroge...
Diameter of human hair Human Homo sapiens 17 to 181 link μm 106856 The Physics Factbook™...
Cell diameter HeLa cell line 17.1 (±0.14 Table - link) µm 115568 Borle AB. Kinetic analyses...
Cell diameter Mammalian tissue culture cell 15 (10 - 20) µm 100432 Roskams and Rodgers,...
Lysosome diameter in human mammary epithelial cell at pH 7.4 Human Homo sapiens 0.5 µm 106078 Glunde K, Guggino SE...
HL60 cell diameter Mammalian tissue culture cell 12.4 (±1.2 Table - link) μm 104670 Rosenbluth MJ, Lam WA...
Jurkat cell diameter Mammalian tissue culture cell 11.5 (±1.5 Table - link) µm 104668 Rosenbluth MJ, Lam WA...
Concentration of vimentin in KD (human fibroblast) cell Mammalian tissue culture cell 151 (Estimated 10,000µm filament/cell) µg/ml 105909 Luby-Phelps K. Cytoa...
Diameter of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC) Human Homo sapiens 17 μm 108899 http://www.invitroge...
Neutrophil cell diameter Human Homo sapiens 8.3 (±0.6 Table - link) µm 104669 Rosenbluth MJ, Lam WA...
Diameter of COS-7 (African monkey kidney) cell Mammalian tissue culture cell 17 μm 108891 http://www.invitroge...
Diameter of dendritic cell Human Homo sapiens 7 µm 102641 Goya GF, Marcos-Campos I...
Diameter of Human Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells (HPASMC) Human Homo sapiens 20 μm 108898 http://www.invitroge...
Diameter of HEK-293 cell Human Homo sapiens 13 μm 108893 http://www.invitroge...
Diameter of A431NS skin cell Human Homo sapiens 15.5 μm 108887 http://www.invitroge...
Diameter of U266B1 blood cell Human Homo sapiens 12 to 13 μm 108909 http://www.invitroge...
Diameter of Jurkat (blood) cell Human Homo sapiens 12 μm 108901 http://www.invitroge...
Diameter of embryonic stem cell Human Homo sapiens 12 to 13 μm 108885 http://www.invitroge...
Red blood cell diameter Human Homo sapiens 7.7 (Database - link) µm 108239 T. Ryan Gregory, 2001-2005....
Cell diameter Green algae Haematococcus pluvialis 20 flagellated cells: 25 palmeloid cells: 30 cysts µm 106036 López MC et al., Comparative...