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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Average duration of a single eye blink Human Homo sapiens 0.1-0.4 sec 100706 http://faculty.washi...
Time during which the pupil is occluded and vision thereby interrupted during a normal blink Human Homo sapiens 100-150 msec 113196 Volkmann FC. Human visual...
In the global population, a person and a child go blind every Human Homo sapiens a person goes blind every 5 sec: a child goes blind every minute N/A 117172 Allen D, Vasavada A....
Fraction of the 37 million blind people in 1990 who were blind as a result of cataract Human Homo sapiens 40 % 117171 Allen D, Vasavada A....
Visible spectrum seen by the eye Human Homo sapiens 370-730 nanometers 100917
Average time between blinks Human Homo sapiens 2.8 sec 100705 http://faculty.washi...
Amount of photons necessary to excite a rod Human Homo sapiens 1 unitless 100709 Brain Facts and Figures...
Amount of photons necessary to excite a cone Human Homo sapiens 100 unitless 100710 Brain Facts and Figures...
Weight of skin Human Homo sapiens 4.1 kg 100711 http://faculty.washi...
Time for eye maturation and development African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 60 hours 102457 Curran KL, LaRue S, Bronson B...
Distance between eyes Human Homo sapiens 6 cm 105348 John Moran eye center...
Pupil diameter Human Homo sapiens 1-8 mm 105349 John Moran eye center...
Angular resolution of the eye Human Homo sapiens 18 arcsec 114251 Keller & Friedli, Visibility...
Fraction of refractive power in eye that is accountable to cornea focusing light onto the retina Human Homo sapiens >2/3 of refractive power 117193 Koudouna E et al., Evolution...
Neural processing time Human Homo sapiens visual stimuli 50ms: auditory stimuli 10ms ms 112387 The neural bases of ...
Range of light intensity that can be seen by humans Human Homo sapiens <10^-2 photons/µm^2/sec (starlight) to >10^8 photons/µm^2/sec (bright sunlight) photons/µm^2/sec 111341 F. Rieke and D. A. Baylor...
The number of discernible colors perceived by normal trichromats Human Homo sapiens ~2,000,000 Different colors 107061 Linhares JM, Pinto PD...
Human reaction time in 100m dash facts Human Homo sapiens See - link msec 111450 Kevin Duffy, (Sydney...
Duration of average splicing event Various 30 sec 108453 Hnilicová J, Stanek D....
Minimum energy for vision Unspecified Table - link N/A 111991 Hecht S, Shlaer S, Pirenne...