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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Diameter of DNA double helix Generic 20.4 Å 105243 Mandelkern M, Elias JG...
Surface area of monosaturated phosphatidylcholine head group in lipid bilayer Generic 67.7-70.1 Å^2 105301 Lewis BA, Engelman DM....
Average diameter of sephadex G-75 in water and buffer Generic Table - link N/A 109115 Monke K, Velayudhan A...
Packing area of phospholipid molecule in vesicles containing a mixture of phospholipid and cholesterol Generic 50 Å^2 106106 Nichols JW, Deamer DW....
Head to tail length of dipalmitoyl-PtdCho (the prototypical phospholipid) Unspecified 19 Å 107241 van Meer G, Voelker DR...
Structural parameters of DNA duplex helices Generic Table - link N/A 112614 Record MT Jr et al.,...