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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Radius of gyration of ribonuclease Unspecified 1.43 nm 103781 Yaoqi Zhou, Salt Effects...
Radius of gyration of myoglobin Unspecified 1.52 nm 103782 Yaoqi Zhou, Salt Effects...
Stokes radius of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Cow Bos Taurus 3.48 nm 105488 Shinya Ikeda and Katsuyoshi...
Properties of casein, BSA, and lysozyme Generic Table - link N/A 103880 Pim van Hee, Selective...
"Rule of thumb" for the diameter of "Average" Protein Unspecified 4 nm 101827 "Physical Biology of...
"Rule of thumb" for diameter of nucleus Unspecified 5 µm 103774 Physical Biology of the Cell...
"Rule of thumb" for persistence length of DNA Unspecified 50 nm 103785 "Physical Biology of...
Rule of thumb for the Thickness of lipid bilayer Unspecified 5 nm 101835 Physical Biology of the Cell...
"Rule of thumb" for the area per molecule in lipid bilayer Unspecified 0.5 nm^2 101837 "Physical Biology of...
"Rule of thumb" for the molecular mass of "Average" Protein Unspecified 30000 dalton 101829 "Physical Biology of...
"Rule of thumb" for the molecular mass of Average amino acid Unspecified 100 dalton 101830 Physical Biology of the Cell...
"Rule of thumb" for the characteristic velocity of a protein motor Unspecified 200 nm/sec 101833 "Physical Biology of...
"Rule of thumb" for diameter of cells Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5 µm 101796 "Physical Biology of...
Rule of thumb for KbT Biosphere 4 pN×nM 101858 Physical Biology of the Cell...
Diameter of lumenal vesicles secreted by microvilli of brush border enterocytes Mammals 90 (30-170) nm 105557 McConnell RE, Higginbotham JN...
Some quantitative aspects of a 'model' freshwater microalgal cell Unspecified Table - link N/A 105392 Raven JA (1984) ‘Energetics...
Average carbon-carbon bond length projected on the hydrocarbon chain Unspecified 0.126 nm 109594 Boal David, Mechanics...
"Rule of thumb" for DNA charge density Unspecified 6 e/nm 103784 "Physical Biology of...
Microtubule diameter Unspecified 23 nm 109237 Faisal AA, White JA,...
Kinesin motor protein length Unspecified 10 nm 109238 Faisal AA, White JA,...