Number of mRNA molecules in cell

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Value 300000 Copies/cell
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Velculescu VE, Madden SL, Zhang L, Lash AE, Yu J, Rago C, Lal A, Wang CJ, Beaudry GA, Ciriello KM, Cook BP, Dufault MR, Ferguson AT, Gao Y, He TC, Hermeking H, Hiraldo SK, Hwang PM, Lopez MA, Luderer HF, Mathews B, Petroziello JM, Polyak K, Zawel L, Kinzler KW, et al. Analysis of human transcriptomes. Nat Genet. 1999 Dec23(4):387-8PubMed ID10581018
Method Researchers analysed 3.5-million transcripts from 19 normal and diseased tissue types.
Comments According to author, Cell lines were grown in standard tissue culture conditions.
Entered by Uri M
ID 104330