A quick guide for interpreting values of resolution

Range excellent 1.2Å: good 2.5Å: OK 3.5Å: poor 5.0Å Å
Organism Generic
Reference Proteopedia link top paragraph
Comments “Here is a quick guide for interpreting values of resolution. • 1.2Å Excellent-backbone and most sidechains very clear. Some hydrogens (web - link) may be resolved, see Hydrogen in macromolecular models. • 2.5Å Good-backbone and many sidechains clear. • 3.5Å OK-backbone and bulky sidechains mostly clear. • 5.0Å Poor-backbone mostly clear sidechains not clear. Bear in mind that the resolution value represents the "best" (most ordered) parts of a crystal, and that other parts may have poorer quality. The temperature value (web - link) for each atom in a crystallographic model indicates the clarity of its electron density map.”
Entered by Uri M
ID 111139