Protein, RNA and DNA and related parameters in exponentially growing E. coli B/r, as a function of the doubling time

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Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Churchward G, Bremer H, Young R. Macromolecular composition of bacteria. J Theor Biol. 1982 Feb 7 94(3):651-70. pp.656-7 table 1PubMed ID6176814
Method Abstract:”Equations are presented that describe the macromolecular composition in exponential bacterial cultures as functions of five parameters: doubling time of the culture (t), protein per origin of replication (Po), chromosome replication time (C-period), peptide chain elongation rate (cp), and the time between termination of replication and cell division (D-period).”
Comments p.663 bottom paragraph:”The equations derived here explain why the cell composition is mainly a function of growth rate, and rather independent of the particular growth medium used to achieve that rate (Schaechter et al., 1958): PO, C, D and cp are regulated such that their values are relatively independent of the cell environment (Table 1). If these parameters are constant, or invariant functions of T, then the cell composition, too, becomes an invariant function of T. However, the cell composition is not completely determined by the growth rate since different exponential cultures may show up to 20% deviations from the average composition given in Table 1. This must reflect a variability in the control of the four growth parameters above.” See notes beneath table
Entered by Uri M
ID 111675