Global reduction of transcripts (mRNAs) per cell upon stress

Range upon osmotic upshift in MM medium ~2400 to ~1600: upon heat stress in LB medium ~7800 to ~7200 mRNA copies/cell
Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli
Reference Bartholomäus A et al., Bacteria differently regulate mRNA abundance to specifically respond to various stresses. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2016 Mar 13 374(2063). pii: 20150069. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2015.0069. p.5 2nd paragraph & p.7 4th paragraphPubMed ID26857681
Method Abstract: "[Investigators] present a global analysis of the response of Escherichia coli to acute heat and osmotic stress. [They] combine deep sequencing of total mRNA and ribosome-protected fragments to provide a genome-wide map of the stress response at transcriptional and translational levels."
Comments P.5 2nd paragraph: "Intriguingly, osmotic stress caused a global reduction of transcripts (figure 1c electronic supplementary material, figure S2c), from approximately 2400 mRNA copies/cell in MM to approximately 1600 mRNA copies/cell upon osmotic upshift. In particular, mRNAs with higher copies (from the groups of mRNAs with greater than 2 copies/cell) were reduced (figure 1c electronic supplementary material, figure S2e). Conversely, heat stress caused a little global reduction of the transcripts—from approximately 7800 mRNA copies/cell in LB to approximately 7200 mRNA copies/cell (figure 1d electronic supplementary material, figure S2d,e)." MM medium=minimal medium. LB=Lysogeny Broth or Luria Bertani Broth
Entered by Uri M
ID 112796