Overall ratio of male to female germ cell mutations

Value 3.5 unitless
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Kasper CK, Buzin CH. Mosaics and haemophilia. Haemophilia. 2009 Nov15(6):1181-6. p. 1184, right column, 4th paragraph from topPubMed ID19473426
Comments The overall ratio of male to female mutations is about 3.5. Point mutations are fivefold to 10-fold higher in male germ cells vs. female ones. The male-to-female ratio at CpG dinucleotides is about six, as established by studies of haemophilia B [Sommer 1996 PMID 8875257]. Inversions are 10-fold higher in male germ cells vs. female ones, whereas deletions are more than fivefold higher in female germ cells [Becker 1996 PMID 8644728].
Entered by Uri M
ID 105642