Fe and Ag Periodic Heroes

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Value 3 3 Range: Table- link 3
Organism Anaerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic AAP bacteria
Reference P.172 bottom paragraph: "After peaking at day 1, N2O emission then sharply decreased to low levels while CH4 started to emit at day 3 then continually increased with incubation. Compared to control soil (57.9 mg kg− 1 soil), B300, B500, and B700 amendments decreased N2O peak emission to 17.9, 1.28, and 0.59 mg kg− 1, mainly due to increased soil pH. In contrast, the amendments enhanced CH4 production from 58.2 to 93.4, 62.6, and 63.4 mg kg− 1 at day 14 due to increased soil dissolved organic carbon. Abundance of denitrifying bacteria (e.g., Bacilli, 7.07–13.6 vs. 16.9%) was reduced with biochar amendments, especially with B500 and B700, contributing to the decreased N2O emissions."PubMed ID28063654
Primary Source Ning Wanga, Zhi-Zhou Changa, , , Xi-Mei Xueb, Jian-Guang Yua, Xiao-Xia Shic, Lena Q. Mac, d, Hong-Bo LicPubMed ID28063654
Entered by Bio Hero
ID 113126