Photosensitivity of rod cell in retina

Range rod 6.2×10^–9: cone 6.0×10^–9 µm^2
Organism Tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum
Reference Wang JS, Kefalov VJ. An alternative pathway mediates the mouse and human cone visual cycle. Curr Biol. 2009 Oct 13 19(19):1665-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2009.07.054. Supplemental data p.2 bottom paragraphPubMed ID19781940
Primary Source [8] Jones, G.J. (1995). Light adaptation and the rising phase of the flash photocurrent of salamander retinal rods. J Physiol 487 ( Pt 2), 441-451 [9] Jones, G.J., Fein, A., MacNichol, E.F., Jr., and Cornwall, M.C. (1993). Visual pigment bleaching in isolated salamander retinal cones. Microspectrophotometry and light adaptation. J Gen Physiol 102, 483-502.PubMed ID8558475, 8245820
Comments "The fraction of bleached pigment was calculated as F =1-exp(-IPt), where I is the light intensity (photons/µm^2/sec), t is the light exposure time (seconds), and P is the photosensitivity, 6.2×10^–9µm^2 for rods [primary source 8] and 6.0×10^-9µm^2 for cones [primary source 9]. The estimated fraction of bleached pigment was 92 % for rods and 91 % for cones."
Entered by Uri M
ID 110985