Concentration of cytoplasmic actin in chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs)

Value 1.5e+8 molecules/cell
Organism Chicken Gallus gallus
Reference Li et al. (2014), System wide analyses have underestimated protein abundances and the importance of transcription in mammals. PeerJ 2:e270 DOI 10.7717/peerj.270 p.2 top paragraphPubMed ID24688849
Primary Source Kislauskis EH, Zhu X, Singer RH. 1997. Beta-Actin messenger RNA localization and protein synthesis augment cell motility. Journal of Cell Biology 136: 1263-1270 DOI 10.1083/jcb.136.6.1263.PubMed ID9087442
Method (Primary source abstract:) "[Researchers] correlated time-lapse images of moving CEFs [chicken embryo fibroblasts] with the distribution of beta-actin mRNA in these cells."
Comments "Cytoplasmic actin, for example, is expressed at 1.5X10^8 molecules per cell (primary Source), whereas some transcription factors are expressed at only 4X10^3 molecules per cell (Biggin, 2011)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 110230