Non-growing follicle (NGFs) populations

Range ~five months post conception-several million: menopause ~1,000 link - link non growing follicles
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Wallace WH, Kelsey TW. Human ovarian reserve from conception to the menopause. PLoS One. 2010 Jan 27 5(1):e8772. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0008772. p.4 fig.4PubMed ID20111701
Primary Source Faddy MJ, Gosden RG, Gougeon A, Richardson SJ, Nelson JF (1992) Accelerated disappearance of ovarian follicles in mid-life: implications for forecasting menopause. Human Reproduction 7: 1342–1346. & Faddy MJ, Gosden RG (1996) A model conforming the decline in follicle numbers to the age of menopause in women. Human Reproduction 11: 1484–1486.PubMed ID1291557, 8671489
Method "[Researchers'] model matches the log-adjusted NGF population from conception to menopause to a five-parameter asymmetric double Gaussian cumulative (ADC) curve (r2 = 0.81)."
Comments "[Researchers'] current understanding of human ovarian reserve presumes that the ovary establishes several million non growing follicles (NGFs) at around five months of gestational age which is followed by a decline to the menopause when approximately 1,000 remain at an average age of 50–51 years [primary sources]."
Entered by Uri M
ID 110109