Number of distinct proteins in proteome

Value 6237 Unitless
Organism Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Reference Müller A, MacCallum RM, Sternberg MJ. Structural characterization of the human proteome. Genome Res. 2002 Nov 12 (11):1625-41. Table - link PubMed ID12421749
Method A valuable tool in exploiting three-dimensional information is the databases of protein structure in which domains with similar three-dimensional architecture are grouped together. Here, we use the structural classification of proteins (SCOP)(Conte et al. 2000). In SCOP, protein domains of known structure that are likely to be homologs are grouped by an expert into a common superfamily based on their structural similarity together with functional and evolutionary considerations. SCOP is widely regarded as an accurate assess-ment of which domains are homologs. However, SCOP remains subjective and one cannot exclude the possibility that two domains placed within the same superfamily only share a common fold as a result of convergent evolution and therefore are not homologous.
Comments Key words give superfamilies of SCOP (Structural Classification of Proteins). See value of 6,340 proteins in budding yeast in BNID 105464 Table - link
Entered by Uri M
ID 104995