Ca & UV Periodic Wix Anaerobe

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Value 3.2 mµ Range: Table - link
Organism Biosphere
Reference P. 612, 9th paragraph: "There is considerable interest in developing novel ligands of IP3R. Adenophostin A (AdA) is a potent agonist of IP3R and since some dimeric analogs of IP3R ligands are more potent than the corresponding monomer we considered whether dimeric AdA analogs might provide agonists with increased potency. We previously synthesized traizolophostin, in which a simple triazole replaced the adenine of AdA, and showed it to be equipotent to AdA. Here, we used click chemistry to synthesize four homodimeric analogs of triazolophostin, connected by oligoethylene glycol chains of different lengths. We evaluated the potency of these analogs to release Ca2+ through type 1 IP3R and established that the newly synthesized dimers are equipotent to AdA and triazolophostin."PubMed ID28066549
Primary Source Synthesis of dimeric analogs of adenophostin A that potently evoke Ca2+ release through IP3 receptors. Vibhute AM1, Pushpanandan P1, Varghese M1, Koniecnzy V2, Taylor CW2, Sureshan KM1. RSC Adv. 2016 Nov 36(89):86346-86351. doi: 10.1039/c6ra19413c. Epub 2016 Sep 5.PubMed IDPMC5171214
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ID 113184