Megakaryocyte volume

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Value 4700 μm^3 Range: ±100 Table - link μm^3
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Harker LA, Finch CA. Thrombokinetics in man. J Clin Invest. 1969 Jun48(6):963-74. p.965 table I & p.966 left column top paragraphPubMed ID5814231
Method "The mean megakaryocyte volume was 4700µm^3±100(see Comments section below) giving a total megakaryocyte mass in normal subjects of 2.8?10^10µm^3/kg ±0.3."
Comments "This value was obtained in Zenker's formaldehyde-fixed sections which produced about 25% shrinkage in diameter. The volume estimate, therefore, is relative only and does not represent an absolute measurement of megakaryocyte volume in vivo."
Entered by Uri M
ID 110127