Phenotypic mutation rates

Range Table - link mutations/genome/generation
Organism Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Reference Lang GI, Murray AW. Estimating the per-base-pair mutation rate in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics. 2008 Jan178(1):67-82. doi: 10.1534/genetics.107.071506. p.70 table 2PubMed ID18202359
Method "Typically, fluctuation assays are performed in test tubes however, to increase the throughput, [researchers] perform the assays in 96-well plates."
Comments "Using the 96-well format [researchers] can vary the culture volume from 10 to 200 ml and can measure mutation rates over two orders of magnitude (Table 2)." See note beneath table
Entered by Uri M
ID 110017