Examples of Individual Specific Recombination Active Regions in P0

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Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Jianbin Wang, H. Christina Fan, Barry Behr and Stephen R. Quake Genome-wide Single-Cell Analysis of Recombination Activity and De Novo Mutation Rates in Human Sperm, Cell 150, 402–412, July 20, 2012 p.406 table 1PubMed ID22817899
Method Researchers collected a sperm sample from a 40-year-old Caucasian individual (P0) whose genome has been sequenced (Pushkarev et al., 2009), clinically annotated (Ashley et al., 2010), and haplotype phased (Fan et al., 2011).
Comments A sliding window of 2 Mb was applied to P0’s recombination map with 1 Mb increments, and the resulting windows for which P0’s recombination rate was at least triple the genome-wide average (3 cM/Mb) were compared with deCODE male activity. Within the total of 66 such windows, 3 showed significantly higher activity than the deCODE male data in the corresponding regions. Researchers refined the boundaries of these regions and summarized the activities in Table 1 (‘‘Sliding Window Scanning’’).
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ID 108036